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Join Mille Lacs
Drift Skippers Snowmobile and ATV
Come Take Part
Our club is membership based. Your dues are used to cover many club expenses, activities and your membership to a MN based club (ATV or Snowmobile).
Please print and mail in the below PDF application form with your membership fee.
Being part of a club, you should never have to ride alone.
Code of Ethics
I will be a good sportsman. I recognize that people judge all recreational vehicle owners by my actions.
I will use my influence to promote sportsmanship-like conduct.
I will not litter the trails or picnic areas. I will not pollute streams or lakes.
I will not damage living trees, scrubs, or other natural features.
I will respect others property and rights.
I will lend a helping hand when I see some one in need or distress. I will make myself and my vehicle available to assist in search and rescue as called on to do so.
I will not interfere with or harass hikers, bikers, snowshoers, fishermen, or others engaging in outdoor activities and will respect their rights to be outdoors.
I will know and obey all federal, state and local laws regulation about the operation of my recreational vehicle in areas where I use it. I will have a current MN DNR trail pass on my vehicle.
I will not harass wildlife. I will avoid areas posted for the protection or feeding of wildlife.
I will stay on marked trails or marked open roads for my vehicle. I will avoid off trail (cross country) travel unless specifically authorized in advance.
I will assist the Mille Lacs Drift Skippers Snowmobile and ATV Club, by a donation of my time, every year I am a member.
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